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The Savantes Complete Olive Handbook: Olive Oil and Table Olives Production to Sales
Lace Bugs Test Our Organic Resolve
Every year brings different seasonal combinations which test our resilience in managing the olive grove without resorting to the quick fix of artificial inputs. Most of the time we get through with a reasonable yield and a manageable workload. This season spanning 2023 and 2024 has proved by far the most challenging.
The start of the season back in November was auspicious with good rains accommodating bounteous flowering and promising olive fruit set. The trees which produced a lot of fruit last year started to grow in all directions and the trees which had an off year set a lot of fruit. We are happy to have the heavily laden trees as long as the irrigation and summer rain replenished the soil water reserves. The trouble with the rapid growth of many trees is they become too big for us to handle without machinery and they steal the water from the smaller trees with the fruit as the root growth matches the above ground foliage growth.
The olive trees are not the only things which enjoy a humid and cooler summer, the insects thrive in the conditions. We noticed adjacent groves showing symptoms of water-logging and dieback, so much that the entire groves looked dead. A few of our trees started showing the same dieback and on closer inspection we identified the cause as massive infestations of the olive lace bug (Froggatia olivinia). Research told us that the insects are uniquely Australian and have migrated from the native mock olive (Notelaea longifolia) to the cultivated olive. The mock olive is in the same taxonomic family as the European olive with similar looking fruit. It grows along the hot and humid fringes of rainforests along the coastal region of northern New South Wales and Queensland. Its liking for these conditions may explain why it has thrived in the humid heat of this season. No doubt its spread across all regions will result in adaptation to drier summer conditions and it will become a threat to productivity in more normal summers with hot days and low humidity.

Savantes Beyond the Blue Glass – Family, Flavour and Fun
Savantes is continuing to evolve reflecting the changes perceived in consumer preferences. The new Savantes goes beyond tasting to the profiling of olive oils which includes taste, physical and chemical attributes, and the interaction with human emotion. Extra virgin olive oil is not presented as a stand-alone product, it is part of a complex culinary and emotional experience which varies with the people using it, enhancing the well-being and happiness of families.
The new mantra is about family, flavour and fun, relegating technical tasting to an important tool in the descriptive process of profiling, not the dominant role which it now plays across the entire industry.
Future Savantes programmes will explore the flavours of olive oils with descriptions using the ingredients of a multitude of cuisines beyond the Mediterranean diet which is central to current promotion. Comparisons will be made with competing vegetable and seed oils used in cooking in many countries where olive oil has barely penetrated the market. Ways of fashioning products and promotions which incrementally move cooks to using more olive oil in their daily meals will be explored.
African Olive - Simon Field's new book.
The African (Olea Africana) and European (Olea Europaea) olive trees are as horticulturally divergent as the black and white cultures in South Africa. Grafted, the two varieties form a vigorous and productive combination, a metaphor for the progress of black and white cultures in South Africa in rural and semi-urban environments.
The narrative follows the stories of those from Europe who introduced olive oil production to the Western Cape, and the black people who used the African olive for medicinal and ceremonial purposes.
Fruity, a Little Bitter and Spicy By Simon Field
Simon Field is the founder of International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes and an olive producer and trader. He has a Masters degree from Cambridge University and is a former Executive Director of The Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Editor of the journal Agricultural Science. He has also held senior elected positions in farmer organisations. His publications include handbooks on every aspect of olive production, processing and marketing.
Fruity, a Little Bitter and Spicy provides a practical Australian producer’s view of the establishment of an olive enterprise and entry into the global market. Moving from the early days of planting trees, the production of olive oil and involvement in international trade and events, the reader acquires an expansive knowledge of the global industry.