The first World Champion Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Team is Los Navarros from Spain. The team comprised Roberto Gracia Sagasti, Carlos Gracia Sagasti and Mario Gomara Alfaro – all producers and taste panellists. Second was the Greek LET team of Lykourgos Polychronopoulos, Efstathia Zontanou and Takis Dimitrakopoulos. Lykourgos also became the fifth Savante and the first from Greece. The Greek JNP team were third and tied for fourth were the Team de Nimes from France and Los Narizones from Spain.

The championship was held in Priego de Cordoba, Spain, in Association with the Association for Quality Control of the Oils of the Region of Priego de Cordoba ((ASCCAL).
Eight competitors achieved Associate Savantes for the first time. The new Associates are Roberto Gracia Sagasti, Carlos Gracia Sagasti, Mario Gomara Alfaro, Isabel Calvache Gisberti, Covadonga Perez Silva from Spain, Julie Carou and Helene Lasserre from France and John Angelis from Greece.
With the new Savante and Honorary Savantes there are now 100 members of the Savante Register.
Savantes thanks all the participants, olive oil suppliers and organisers for an outstanding First World Team Tasting Championship. The date and venue for the next World Championship will be announced in due course.